SIGHT (Supporting Innovation and Growth in Healthcare Technologies) is an ERDF-funded business support project led by the University of Portsmouth in conjunction with the Wessex CRN and Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, designed to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs in the healthcare sector.

The programme provides SMEs with the insight and specific evidence required to ensure their products meet real, identified market needs along with the necessary guidance and support to enter and expand in new healthcare markets.

SIGHT will support businesses through:

  • Providing SMEs with access to clinicians and patient groups
  • Sector specific support, information and guidance to enable growth in regional/national and international markets
  • Quarterly business innovation engagement workshops
  • Bespoke advice to help overcome regulatory barriers that currently limit opportunities to expand into new markets
  • A financial grant scheme for SMEs to access additional support
SIGHT logo

SIGHT is a win-win: SMEs will receive bespoke, agile support to increase their competitiveness, and access new markets and develop products. It will help them avoid the so called ‘valley of death’ many companies face between innovation and getting a medical technology product to market. And as a result, patients and the public will benefit from faster access to new products and services that meet their healthcare needs.

Professor Gordon Blunn
Director of Health and Wellbeing research theme, University of Portsmouth
